What is Spring Security? In a nutshell, it’s a library that can be utilized and customized to suit the demands of the programmer. Spring Security is a powerful and highly customizable aut...
Spring FRAMEWORK Visit the Spring Ecosystem and have a look around. Spring handles the infrastructure, so you can focus on Your Application. Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides co...
Spring intro This is just to give you a solid foundation of Spring and we had to start with some high-level concepts. Here are the Spring docs Spring with Spring Boot Whether you are writi...
MapStruct A Java compiler plugin (IDE independent) MapStruct is a new way of mapping data that generates Java code at compilation time. It’s easy to debug, has no run time dependencies, is ...
Visit their site: Lombok Learn this next abbreviation, it will be used more and more often: DTO [Data Transfer Object] What is Lombok? How to use Lombok: read the Guide Read me ...
What is Maven Maven defines a project structure for us In a project, you will have dependencies, you will pick up along the course what this means. For now, it’s ok to know that this just is l...
Java Write Once, Run Anywhere. W.O.R.A. = Write Once, Run Anywhere This is achieved by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Every program must have a Class Java starts execution from main method ...
Computational Thinking decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithm The terms coding and programming describe the process of writing code and building software. Computational think...
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