Tristan Arts

Spring Boot

Spring BOOT Please sit down and relax, start your IDE and follow this video. It will give you experience in how to use Spring Boot. Link to video Spring(BOOT) What is Spring Boot? Sp...

Java is the number 1

Java Start daily exercises in the Code Gym I originally approached Java as “just another programming language,” which in many senses it is. But as time passed and I studied it more deeply, I ...

Start your journey to become a Java Developer

Start of the Java developer Welcome to square one, young Padawan. This is my collection of information. I arranged it so that the next person does not have to invent the wheel again. But to become...

Database Basics

Lets first start to hear why we do everything in abstraction layers: Warning, not always: Databases are a whole different story, but if you understand abstraction and OOP, then working with dat...

12 factor apps

12 Factor Apps Who should read this document? Any developer building applications which run as a service. Ops engineers who deploy or manage such applications. Introduction In the modern era,...

Git repo setup

GIT start repo How to start a repository on command line To start a repository on the command line, you can follow these steps: Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to the directo...


Git version control system What is GIT Manage versions and Distribute work: Git is a type of source code management system called a distributed version control system. Git is a tool to fac...


jQuery jQuery at w3 schools.. I hope you know this website already, otherwise it’s time to go take a look. Go on, follow the link.. Don’t be shy. Quick summary: jQuery is a JavaScript libra...

Spring Thymeleaf

What is Thymeleaf? Thymeleaf logo ThymeLeaf Thymeleaf is a server-side Java template engine for both web and standalone environments, capable of processing HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS a...

Spring JPA

Java Persistence API (JPA) JPA is a language similar to SQL Java Persistence API (JPA) is a Java specification for managing relational data in Java applications. It is a standard way of storing ...