Visit the Spring Ecosystem and have a look around.
Spring handles the infrastructure, so you can focus on Your Application.
Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for Developing Java Applications.
What does Spring framework provide?
- Application context and dependency injection
- Data access
- Spring MVC
graph TD
A(Application context and dependency injection)
B(Data access)
C(Spring MVC)
A --- Z
Z --- B
Z --- C
Application context and dependency injection
Dependency Injection
declare each dependencie a class needs and spring will make sure the have they instances they require.
- Handling interrelated dependencies among objects.
- A wrapper -> application context
- Spring manages object instances
- objects hold data
- instances of classes have methods or functions
- all classes that share the same service should contact the same instance
- share object instances “the singelotn pattern”. The life cycle of an instance.
- spring manages the instances and manages them
- spring connects them together
Data access
database connectivity
Most common for Java Developers. spring comes with connectivity, querying, transaction management and more.
Spring MVC
web applications
Build web applications easy
- dynamic web page applications
name: SpringFramework
level: Over 9000
String:"But What does it do? Find out below."
Spring Framework
Framework for providing comprehensive infrastructural support for developing Java Applications OOP (Object Oriented Programming) Best practices built in DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principles
graph TD
A(infrastructural support for developing Java Applications)
B(OOP Best practices built in)
C(DRY Principles)
A --- Z
Z --- B
Z --- C
- POJO - Plain old Java Object
- Java Beans - Simple objects with only getters and setters
- Spring Beans - POJOs configured in the application context
DTO (Data Transfer Object) - Bean used to move state between layers
Inversion of Control (IOC)
- IOC provides mechanism of dependency injection
- Application Context wraps the Bean Factory which serves the beans at the runtime of the application
- Spring Boot provides auto-configuration of the Application Context
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