Computational Thinking
decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, algorithm
The terms coding and programming describe the process of writing code and building software. Computational thinking is the logic behind the code that helps us solve problems efficiently to solve.
‘Efficient’ is the key word here, because you have a complicated problem can be solved in many ways. Being with computational thinking we’re looking for the best way.
What is Computational Thinking?
The practical and creative use of digital tools to solve a problem. The problem must be (re)formulated in such a way that it is possible to solve it with computer technology. The following steps are important in this regard:
- Decomposition; the problem must be broken into small pieces and the small problems solved one by one;
- Recognize patterns;
- Filtering information; simplifying information; making a diagram or drawing of the information can help with this;
- Devise and try out possible solutions by thinking algorithmically;
- Generalize the solutions by applying them to corresponding problems.
Computational thinking is different from thinking like a computer or learning to program. It is the logical approach to problems and solving them with computer technology.
With computational thinking you become better at solving problems.
Grab a pen and paper. Make a word web of your tasks.
- How do you start the day?
- What tasks have you been assigned?
- What are things you do regularly?
- What tasks do you occasionally do?
Look at the tasks you wrote down. What tasks could computational thinking be useful for?
Where can you do these things:
- decomposition,
- abstraction,
- pattern recognition,
Mark these tasks.
- I want to get better at solving problems.
- I want to be able to convey my ideas to a programmer.
- I want to be able to map out a solution to a problem.
• Decomposition helps to break down a system into smaller, more manageable parts.
• If you don’t properly analyze a problem, you may end up with the wrong solution. The quality of the data you used to solve a problem is extremely important.
• Decomposition can help you solve a problem with more confidence.
you goota do what you gotta do
Read: Advice for junior developers
Throughout this course there will be several blogs. Take time to read them, it will be helpful down the line.
Watch Videos
Make money with coding.. What you’re NOT being told!
Taking Notes is a WASTE OF TIME When You’re Learning To Code! DO THIS INSTEAD!
- Don’t Bother taking notes for the first 2 months rather focus on the course or tutorial.
- After learning the basics, start building projects and comment on every single line.
- Write documentation, basically explaining the purpose of your project (watch other tutorials on how to write documentation in VScode).
- Only take notes of those concepts which you use very often and find it difficult to remember them.
Why Self Taught Programmers Fail or Quit When Learning How To Code
For now just browse these terms, that way you heard it before when you hear about it
Tech Talk:
- Develop – make something
- Test – try to break that
- Acceptance – can we accept this
- Production – end user
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